What a year! From the world premiere of The Loneliest Girl In the World at Diversionary Theatre this summer to a beautiful week at SPACE at Ryder Farm this fall; from artistic homes at the 92Y to Page 73; from beginning drafts of Choreomania and Left to finishing new drafts of The Magnificent Seven and Something Blue – I’ve had the pleasure of sharing my work on both coasts this year, celebrate a decade of collaboration with Julia Meinwald, and, best of all, getting to work with amazing artists like:
Shaleah Adkisson, Renee Albulario, Delaney Amatrudo, Ian Axness, Elisa Benzoni, Sash Bishoff, Ally Bonino, Stephen Brotebeck, Bonnie Durben, Rachel Flynn, Isaac Fowler, David Friedlander, Holly Gould, Steve Gouveia, Sam Heldt, Peter Herman, Victoria Huston-Elem, Lauren King Thompson, Joey Kirkpatrick, Matt Lescault-Wood, Lily Lester, Allison Lian, Ellen Macy, Patrick Marion, Christina Martin, Matt Morrow, Kate Morton, Allison Spratt Pearce, Robin Sanford Roberts, Lynne Marie Roseberg, Keith Rubin, Johnny Shea, Hana Slevin, Kendra Stockton, Robbie Collier Sublett, Shaun Tuazon-Martin, Ryan Everett Wood, Marci Anne Wuebben, and more…
I’m so excited to reconnect with some of these wonderful people, and meet even more wonderful people, in 2019!