30 posts


Back row: Cast members Lily Lester, Jackie Colquitt, Adam Lawrence & Jack Brinsmaid, Lighting Designer Charlotte Seelig, Me, Dramaturg Megan McClain, Director Ben Kamine; Middle row: Cast members Sam Paley, Katie Rodgers, Jessica Fisher, Danny Saulle & Angelina Kelly, and Composer Julia Meinwald; Front row: Choreographer Tara Forseth, Cast members Allie Lian & Holly Gould, Music Director Rich Silverstein; Not pictured: Cast member Angela Pardini-Gomez, Set Designer BP Houle, Costume Designer Lux Haac, Stage Manager Lindsay Kipnis, ASM Tara King, Sound Designer Neal Goleta, and Production Coordinator Brandon Anderson.

The workshop of REB+VoDKa+ME at NYU that performed this past weekend was one of the most intensely rewarding experiences I’ve had as a writer.

It’s been a little over 3 years since I sent Julia links to these two related articles and was like “Don’t think I’m a scary person but could this be our next musical?” and she basically said “You’re not scary and yes.” Two years ago, we started writing the show with director Ben Kamine in R&D Group, led by dramaturg-extraordinaire Megan McClain. A year-and-a-half ago Rich Silverstein came on board when we shared our first 16 songs from the show in public. And five months ago we finished a first draft of the script.

And this weekend the show was given a fully designed and produced workshop staging with a cast of amazing juniors and seniors from the New Studio on Broadway at NYU/Tisch. To call this opportunity a gift is an understatement – we wrote a show that doesn’t exist in a physical space and by not being bound by music stands we were able to learn more than we ever could have imagined about our work.

Much credit for that goes to our amazing creative and design team (partially pictured here) for helping us to develop our own world and our own physical language to make the 90-minutes of the show a complete thought.

And we could never have seen our work as fully as we were able to without the willingness, openness, depth, and hard work of the twelve students in the cast. They navigated this technically, musically, and emotionally complex piece with the kind of grace and heart we couldn’t have imagined when we first had the idea three years ago.

Immense thanks are due to Kent Gash, Sarah Schlesinger, and Brandon Anderson for inviting us into this collaborative process. Be on the lookout for some production photos in the near future!


After finishing a draft of the show at the Yale Institute for Music Theatre this summer, REB+VoDKa+ME will get up on its feet for the first time this fall! The Tisch New Musical Theatre Workshop, a collaboration between NYU’s Graduate Musical Theatre Writing Program and New Studio on Broadway, will present a workshop production of the show for four performances, November 17-19.

Julia and I are excited to be once again working with director Benjamin Kamine and music director Rich Silverstein on the project. And special thanks to GMTWP’s Sarah Schlesinger and NSB’s Kent Gash for the opportunity to work with students to bring the show to life!

Check back here for casting (after next week’s auditions) and ticket info in the coming weeks…

Videos from the Feinstein’s/54 Below concert are now online! Watch the whole 17 song playlist above (starting with the finale, of course.)

Thanks to all who came up/down/in/over to that midtown basement to share the evening with us. Thanks to Jennifer Ashley Tepper and the whole 54 Below staff for inviting us to kick off this wonderful (and ongoing!) series. And thanks, especially, to our 26 singers, actors, and musicians for bringing so much of our work to life!

54 Singers at 54 Below!

Just kidding, it’s only 18 (and a 6-piece band.) But that’s a whole lot of our favorite singers joining us for our Feinstein’s/54 Below concert on Sunday, July 30 at 7pm!

Delaney Amatrudo, Ally Bonino, Sojourner Brown, Max Chernin, Molly Hager, Sam Heldt, Emily Jenda, Marina Kondo, Kelsey Lake, Amy Linden, Ellen Condon Macy, Evan Maltby, Allison Posner, Allie Sandler, Libby Servais, Johnny Shea, Phoebe Strole, and Allie Trimm are going to bring you tunes from REB+VoDKa+MESomething Blue, and The Magnificent Seven!

We’re so excited to have so many faces we love (both new and familiar) on stage with us! Get your tickets now to celebrate their wonderfulness with us! (And use the code JMGL5 to get $5 off the cover for the main dining room…)