Julia and I were thrilled to be featured in A Little New Music‘s Spotlight Series! We’ve been fans of the Los Angeles-based A Little New Music concert series for years, which have featured our songs and songs by some of our favorite writer-friends. It was a joy to get to chat with them about our work, look back on their performances of our work (featuring Lisa Musser, Laura Nicole Harrison & Kim Dalton), and share a brand new song from a brand new project we’ve been working on for the last year or so.
Thanks to the wonderful Tatiana Wechsler, Ally Bonino & Hana Slevin for their amazing video performance, and thanks to amy francis schott, Luke Klipp, Kila Packett, and everyone at A Little New Music for having us!
Check out the performance of the new song (“Scar” from These Familiar Spirits) in the recording of the livestream interview below!