Gordon Leary

159 posts

A proud collaborator!

In honor of International Women’s Day, Playbill published an article in which “14 Powerhouse Female Creatives Name the Up-and-Coming Women in Theatre They Are Watching.” And Lynn Ahrens, our mentor from our time the Dramatists Guild Fellows program, gave a special shoutout to Julia!

“Julia Meinwald, who wrote Pregnancy Pact, is wildly talented, a quirky contemporary voice with a whole lot to say.”

I agree wholeheartedly!

Let Me Ascertain You: Flops, Failures & Fiascos

12633536_10153856599468389_4321566438178432276_oJulia and I have contributed a song to the next installment of The Civilians’ Let Me Ascertain You on Tuesday, February 23 at 9:30pm at the Metropolitan Room. LET ME ASCERTAIN YOU: Flops, Failures, and Fiascos is a night of new music and true stories that celebrate artistic and relationship disasters as told by those who have survived the shame, horror, and glory of failing big. The evening is being directed by our fellow R&Ders Colette Robert and Sanaz Ghajar, with material by friends like Eric March and Sam Chanse. The ever-glorious Ally Bonino is singing our song about being lost and found (and nuns and boats.)

Find out more and get your tickets here!

Good times at Goodspeed

I’m feeling very lucky to be spending the week at Goodspeed in the Johnny Mercer Writing Colony working on REB + VoDKa + ME with Julia! It’s a cold and snowy week in East Haddam, CT – just the kind you want to spend bundled up and writing.

We’re halfway through the week and we’ve been productive so far – writing and researching and planning and scheming… There are six other wonderful writers/teams up here with us this week, and we’ve had the pleasure of hearing their work at our nightly sharing sessions. During the day, I’ve taken breaks by raiding the amazing Goodspeed library for rare cast recordings and demos. And the whole time I’ve been nostalgic for my old NYU classmates, remembering the week we spent here almost exactly nine years ago!

Thanks to Colony dramaturg Michael Bush, Mercer Foundation VP Jonathan Brielle, and Colony coordinators Hunter Bird and Max Schwager.

All in all, it’s been a fruitful week in a beautiful place – what could be better?

The Goodspeed Opera House.
The Goodspeed Opera House.
Our cozy housing.
Our cozy housing.
The famous East Haddam Swing Bridge, the longest truss bridge in the world, over the Connecticut River.
The famous East Haddam Swing Bridge, the longest truss bridge in the world, over the Connecticut River.