In Concert

9 posts

Let Me Ascertain You: Flops, Failures & Fiascos

12633536_10153856599468389_4321566438178432276_oJulia and I have contributed a song to the next installment of The Civilians’ Let Me Ascertain You on Tuesday, February 23 at 9:30pm at the Metropolitan Room. LET ME ASCERTAIN YOU: Flops, Failures, and Fiascos is a night of new music and true stories that celebrate artistic and relationship disasters as told by those who have survived the shame, horror, and glory of failing big. The evening is being directed by our fellow R&Ders Colette Robert and Sanaz Ghajar, with material by friends like Eric March and Sam Chanse. The ever-glorious Ally Bonino is singing our song about being lost and found (and nuns and boats.)

Find out more and get your tickets here!

Let Me Ascertain You: War on Christmas

LMAY_War_On_Christmas1Come on down (or up or over) to Joe’s Pub on Tuesday, December 8 to hear a new song by Julia and me in Let Me Ascertain You: War on Christmas, the next installment of the Civilians’ cabaret series.  (It’s about something near and dear to my heart – inconspicuously humming along to songs when things get a little too Jesus-y.)  Directed by Ben Kamine and Suzanne Agins, we’re featured alongside friends and fellow writers Ty Defoe & Tidtaya Sinutoke, Erato Kremmyda, Grace McLean, and Michael Friedman.  What better way to kick off your secular holiday season?

Get your tickets here!

Summer Songs

unnamed-1Julia and I were so happy to contribute material to Prospect Theater Company’s 2015 Teen Summer Intensive.  The show – News To Me – was a revue of new songs with topics pulled from the NYTimes, with each writing team assigned a section of the paper.  Julia and I wrote from the Science & Technology section.

Our piece was performed beautifully on Saturday night by four young actresses (one of whom also provided really lovely illustrations to accompany the performance.)  Thanks to Dev Bondarin and Cara Reichel for including us!

We Grew Up Like This

Videos of last month’s concert have made their way online.  It was a lovely reunion of a night, full of great songs sung and played by great friends and fellow Clevelanders.  There really is no place like home (and I’m so lucky that so much of my home is still with me here in NYC!)

Ms. Amy Linden, ladies and gentlemen.  (Mrs. Peters, if you’re nasty.)  Singing “Crooked River” from Across the River.  As my constant collaborator/muse, she’s sung just about everything I’ve ever written.  This was the first time I got to hear her sing this one, and she didn’t disappoint!  (Obviously.)


Amy was joined at the start of the concert by Lauren Geber and Hannah Delmonte for a powerhouse rendition of “Nobody Knows” from Pregnancy Pact.

Click through all of the videos to see my frequent collaborators, former students, and teenage idols doing our hometown proud!