Windy City Something Blue

I had such a wonderful week in Chicago getting to work on our very first public reading of Something Blue in Underscore Theatre Company’s Chicago Musical Theatre Festival. Thanks to very quick and very wonderful work by actors Britain Gebhardt, Sam Button-Harrison, and Alex Newkirk (pictured L-R), directors Isaac Loomer and Rachel Johnson, and music director Annabelle Revak, Julia and I got to see and hear the show in its full form for the first time – complete with suggestions of what a staging might look like!

We can’t wait to take what we’ve learned from our time in Chicago and see it in action next month when we get to hear Something Blue again, this time back home in NYC with Page 73. More info on that reading to come very soon!

We stuck the reading!

And we have a musical!

Thanks to everyone involved in the Flint Rep New Works Festival for giving us the time and space to hear the entirety of The Magnificent Seven for the first time. Julia and I are so lucky to have gotten to bring along MD extraordinaire Rich Silverstein to work with director Michael Lluberes and a magnificent cast of eleven who vaulted right into a 22-song score with 16 hours of rehearsal. Our gymnasts (pictured above, from L-R) Samantha Carter, Taylor Jones, MaryPaige Reiffel, Amanda Kuo, Annadelle Kimber, Paige VanSickle, and Emily Fishman were joined by Stephanie Dean, Shelby Coleman, Paul Gregor, and Paul Nelson Gregory to bring the show to life for a friendly crowd who braved the snow.

We can’t wait to get to hear the next draft soon!

Back to New London!

After a few years away, I’m so excited to get to see Cheer Wars again!

Friend and frequent-MD of the show Katya Stanislavskaya is bringing the show up to SUNY New Paltz, where she is on the faculty, for a staged reading on Saturday, February 9 at 7:00pm.

I’m thrilled to get to hear the show again, to spend some time in the Hudson Valley, and to work with the wonderful director Tony Speciale in revisiting the show!

Check out more information and reserve your tickets here!

Vaulting to Flint

First up in 2019!

Julia and I are so excited to travel to Flint, Michigan for the first full public reading of The Magnificent Seven in the Flint Repertory Theatre’s New Works Festival!

The festival runs January 18-20 and will also include new work by Greg Kotis (Urinetown), Abbie Spallen (Pumpgirl), and Amber Palmer. Our reading will take place on Sunday, January 20 at 7pm, directed by Flint Rep’s Producing Artistic Director Michael Lluberes.

Follow it all on Instagram @gordonandjuliamusicals!


What a year! From the world premiere of The Loneliest Girl In the World at Diversionary Theatre this summer to a beautiful week at SPACE at Ryder Farm this fall; from artistic homes at the 92Y to Page 73; from beginning drafts of Choreomania and Left to finishing new drafts of The Magnificent Seven and Something Blue –  I’ve had the pleasure of sharing my work on both coasts this year, celebrate a decade of collaboration with Julia Meinwald, and, best of all, getting to work with amazing artists like:

Shaleah Adkisson, Renee Albulario, Delaney Amatrudo, Ian Axness, Elisa Benzoni, Sash Bishoff, Ally Bonino, Stephen Brotebeck, Bonnie Durben, Rachel Flynn, Isaac Fowler, David Friedlander, Holly Gould, Steve Gouveia, Sam Heldt, Peter Herman, Victoria Huston-Elem, Lauren King Thompson, Joey Kirkpatrick, Matt Lescault-Wood, Lily Lester, Allison Lian, Ellen Macy, Patrick Marion, Christina Martin, Matt Morrow, Kate Morton, Allison Spratt Pearce, Robin Sanford Roberts, Lynne Marie Roseberg, Keith Rubin, Johnny Shea, Hana Slevin, Kendra Stockton, Robbie Collier Sublett, Shaun Tuazon-Martin, Ryan Everett Wood, Marci Anne Wuebben, and more…

I’m so excited to reconnect with some of these wonderful people, and meet even more wonderful people, in 2019!